Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Another FTF!

Busy busy again, but another FTF oppo arises, in fact there are two – both Wrighty’s. One is very close to home, but a micro, so we head for the other. It's upa really steep hill, and after the rain the path is REALLY slippery! Somewhow we scrabmle up, breathless, and reach the Cache! We are rewarded with another FTF, and this time a pin badge prize!

RIP Ziggy!

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Another gorgeous coin!

Again I can't resist! schnarff's a sucker for anything purple, and these lips are just gorgeous!

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Definitely addicted!

Spot some Zodiac coins, one Aries and one Taurus on eBay. It seems meant to be. Again I can't resist!

PS When these turn up they are SO beautiful! The constellations are little tiny sparkly jewels! There seem to be few, if any, of these coins in the UK!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Another coin!

Am getting addicted to coins already! Want to buy one for schnarff. See this fun log book, and can't resist!
PS. When the coin arrives, it is HUGE and really heavy! It's so lovely we decide not to send it out into the world, but to use it to log our Cache visits and store our mileage! Since Kai is always with us we call it Kai's Logbook Geocoin

CacheWalker is born!

Need somewhere to publish the walk for The Salford Seven Series. An MSN Group seems the simplest option! Seeing as it's going to be about Caching and Walking, CacheWalker becomes its name!

Monday, 21 May 2007

Our first Geocoin

One of the Caches in the Salford Seven series is going to be a magnetic nano. Can't resist this magnetic coin, as it'll be fun to fun to find a coin where you don't expect one!

Monday, 14 May 2007

FTF Success!

Email the owner of the new Cache (Wrighty) who tells us where we went wrong – sneaky chap ;) Go again after work and manage to bag our first FTF!

Sunday, 13 May 2007

FTF Failure

A new Cache appears 10 miles away, a multi. We go for a FTF but having not found it by dark, we give up and return home :(

Thursday, 10 May 2007

Wet wet wet

Been busy with the house, so no time for Caching, but a Wales Geocoin appears near to home (we had hoped to get one in Coventry while we were off, but it moved the day before we planned to go – that’s why we went to Shropshire instead!)

Convinced schnarff to go for the coin after work, despite the rain. Wish we hadn’t! There was no footpath, we got absolutely soaked, and when we tried to get back to the car we had to climb barbed wire – not good for schnarff’s back!

Still, it's our first ever geocoin, and it's Welsh! diolch yn fawr!

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Time to give something back - let's hide a Cache!

The Parish is lovely and full of footpaths to explore! There are 7 villages in the Parish, so I want to hide a series of Caches, one in each village plus a Bonus. Planning begins here!!!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Fool's Gold!

Decide to use one of our ‘unpacking’ days to relax a little. A new Cache appeared in Shropshire a few days ago which sounded like it had real cash in it, so off we went! How naïve were we? Of course there wasn’t real cash! Never mind, the hide was fantastic, and Kai enjoyed herself lots!

Also grabbed one of the Alchemy series which was nearby. Unfortunately the Cache was practiclly empty as people had obviously 'traded down' bigtime!