Saturday, 6 October 2007

Ooooooooone hundred and...well, just one hundred actually!

WoooHoooo! WE DID IT!!! We hit one hundred finds :D:D:D

We had totally different plans for our 100, we had intended to finish off the Ground COntrol/ Major Tom series, but when Ye Ole Survey Monuments popped up near home (at LAST!) we had to change things (especially as wrighty had suggested he lead a walk round this series next time!)! schnarff has been watching YSM's listing for a couple of months - it's a virtual which moves around the country, and you can log it at any of its previous locations!

Grabbed a few urban micros this morning after the important Niece Birthday Pressie mission to Argos in Northfield (obviously couldn't resist the opportunity to grab our first SideTracked Caches!!!) to get to 99.

Tried several routes to the Trig that was YSM's current home, having plugged it into the GPS. Eventually dragged out the map, seeing as the Sat Nav was being so gormless, only to see there was no footpath to it (I blame it on the Cosmo that I didn't notice that last night...)

Talked schnarff into abandoning the car somewhere stupid and being brazen hussies (actually I said we could go along the footpath and see if there was a permissive path to the Trig!) There was no obvious path, but no-one around, so we behaved naughtily with the 'blonde bimbo' impression not far below the surface - map in hand

Found the Trig easily, and it was in great condition. Took some piccies and made our way back to the public path, only to hear the farmer's tractor approaching! We tried to hide from him, but he hung around for ages, then finally moved on, and we set off again, only for him to come back! He must have known he hadn't driven past us before, so he must have either seen us off the path earlier, or wondered where on earth we had materialised from! He didn't seem concerned at our presence, however - I wonder if he is used to mad folk searching out his little treasure!

Great to bag our one hundredth with a meaningful Cache which we will remember, and bag a Trig too!

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